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You must be aware that the AIR inside your office and residences, is very heavily polluted and every year, the health of many people is affected by the virus, bacteria, smog, pollen, allergens, chemical substances and harmful gases etc that is present in the air.
WHO has rated India on the top amongst the worst air pollution environments across the globe.
There have been many reports in recent times from organizations such as WHO and other environmental agencies over the alarming AIR POLLUTION levels in the city, and the air outside is polluted is only increasing the risk of problems of Indoor Air Pollution as it is roughly 40-50 times more polluted due to repeated air rotation in confined spaces. The problems to your health can be: Asthma, COPD Upper respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Lower respiratory problems in Children Ischaemic heart diseases Irritation to the eyes, nose, throat Headache, nausea, and allergic reactions.
In the long-term it can effect and give chronic respiratory diseases such as lung cancer Hence in order to get rid of all the diseases, related to polluted air, fresh air is very important for us!! So we propose using the BEST AIR PURIFIER in India, made for India, developed by India, CRUSADERS AIR PURIFIER.